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Social Media Links for WordPress

Increase Engagement & Improve the Promotion of Your Content

Create Social Media Links

loved by 500K+ creators


Why Should You Use the Social Media Links Widget+?

Increased Engagement with Social media links

With the WordPress Social Media Links plugin, you can encourage your visitor to engage with your WordPress website’s content and to follow your brand on social media by providing easy access to your various social profiles.

Improved Visibility

Social Media Links plugin for WordPress can help you increase your brand's visibility on social media by driving traffic to your profiles. This can further help you build your brand's reputation and increase customer loyalty.

Better Customer Service

Due to the fact that social media is a popular channel for customer service, the Social media links for WordPress can greatly improve your customers’ experience by providing them with a portal to contact you through.

A Large Selection of Platforms & Icons

The WordPress Social Media Links plugin feature a large selection of social media platforms with relevant icons that you can choose from.

Social Media Links - A Large Selection of Platforms & Icons

Various Styles

The Social media links plugin for WordPress features several different styles to choose from for an additional level of customization.

Social Media Links - Various Styles

Fully Customizable WordPress plugin

The Social Media Links plugin for WordPress features full customization options so you can edit the design to fit your needs. Change the colors, the fonts, the spacing, and anything else!

Social Media Links - Fully Customizable WordPress plugin
Social Media Links - Multiple Positions

Multiple Positions

The WordPress Social Media Links plugin comes with several positioning options, enabling you to place it in key locations on your WordPress website page for maximum visibility.

Social Media Links - WordPress Social media links Multiple Skins

WordPress Social media links Multiple Skins

The WordPress Social Media Links plugin comes equipped with a variety of beautiful skins that you can choose from, making it easy to create a polished and professional-looking button for your WordPress website without spending a lot of time on extensive customization.

Social Media Links - Easy To Use Social media links for WordPress

Easy To Use Social media links for WordPress

The WordPress Social Media Links plugin is easy to use and requires no coding knowledge. Our intuitive dashboard with the drag-and-drop feature will enable you to customize the Social media links plugin any way you’d like to with just a few simple clicks.

Perfectly Responsive plugin for WordPress

The WordPress Social Media Links plugin is fully responsive and will look great on any device. In a mobile-first world, this feature will put you ahead of your competitors.

Social Media Links - Perfectly Responsive plugin for WordPress

WordPress Social media links Custom CSS

As with all of Common Ninja’s plugins, you can add custom CSS to customize the WordPress Social Media Links plugin and be even more creative.

Social Media Links - WordPress Social media links Custom CSS

Easy To Embed Social media links on WordPress

You can embed the Social Media Links plugin on your WordPress plugin easily by copying a single line of code. The WordPress Social Links plugin will also be updated automatically with every change you make.

Social Media Links - Easy To Embed Social media links on WordPress

Compatible With All Site Builders, E-Commerce Platforms and Websites

webflow logoshopify logowix logowordpress logobigcommerce logosqurespace logoweebly logojoomla logoduda logojimdo logomagento logoshift4hsop logounbounce logocarrd logo
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