Various Layouts
Six layouts are included in the widget, each with varied image sizes and text layouts. This makes sure that the widget is ready to fit any design requirements of your Goope website.
The Skill list's customization options allow you to showcase your skills and experiences to the fullest extent possible. A potential recruiter or customer will be more inclined to contact you if they notice these skills.
As well as providing relevant information, Skill list can improve the design of your Goope website. You can design and customize it any way you want to complement your existing design.
Skill list allows you to present important information in an organized, concise manner to potential customers or employers, which will undoubtedly be appreciated.
Six layouts are included in the widget, each with varied image sizes and text layouts. This makes sure that the widget is ready to fit any design requirements of your Goope website.
Since the Skill list comes with various skins, you don't have to spend a lot of time customizing Skill list widget.
The Skill list widget features full customization options so you can edit the design to fit your Goope website needs. Make changes to the colors, the fonts, the spacing, and whatever else you like!
You can add images or icons, if you want, to make skills stand out, or add photos of yourself, or your team.
You can display how skilled you are, in a visual representation using the proficiency bar within the Skill list widget. Its filling can be customized, and you can use a slider to do so.
The Skill list widget is easy to use and requires no coding knowledge. Using the drag-and-drop feature on our intuitive dashboard, you can customize the widget in any way you see fit.
When a user first accesses the Skill list from the widget, the user will see a gentle animation to make the page less static and more appealing.
The Skill list widget is responsive and looks great on any device. Having this feature will ensure that you're ahead of your competitors in a mobile-first world.
As with all of Common Ninja’s widgets, you can add custom CSS to customize the Skill list widget and be even more creative.
You can embed the Skill list widget on your Goope website by simply copying the code below. With every change you make, the widget will be automatically updated on your Goope website.