Custom Post Type WooCommerce Integration

Custom Post Type WooCommerce Integration

Wordpress plugin

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There is no necessity to publish WooCommerce products separately for custom post type posts.

This plugin extends the WooCommerce plugin by allowing a custom post type (CPT) to be added. OR Use WooCommerce for payments only.

This Plugin provides a simple solution to effortlessly manage and sell any kind of Custom Post Types within WooCommerce with just a few clicks.

No advanced WordPress skills required – anyone with basic knowledge can easily install and utilize this plugin. Bid farewell to the need for manual product creation in WooCommerce.

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Its compatibility with popular plugins and themes ensure flexibility for various needs. The user-friendly interface allows easy customization and management of personalized products.

By offering unique items that cater to individual preferences, this plugin enhances the e-commerce experience, fostering customer loyalty.

Quickly and easily sell pages, posts and custom post types through WooCommerce with this plugin.

🏆 Free Features

  • Unlimited post type can integrate with WC
  • Add meta field for regular price field
  • Add meta field for sale price field
  • Fallback Regular Price field: If the meta fields are already in place, then select that key as fallback meta key for regular price
  • Fallback Sale price field: If the meta fields are already in place, then select that key as fallback meta key for sale price,
  • Provided shortcode for display “price”
  • Provided shortcode for display “Cart Button”
  • Provided shortcode for display “Short description”
  • Make Archive Page Similar to Shop Page
  • Make Single Page Similar to Product Page

🏆 PRO Features

  • All free Features Included
  • Product Type – Simple product
  • Product Type – Variable product
  • Product Type – External/Affiliate product
  • Product Type – Grouped Product
  • Add sale price dates
  • Inventory – Add SKU
  • Inventory – Stock management, track stock quantity
  • Inventory – Stock status
  • Inventory – Sold individually, Limit purchases to 1 item per order
  • Shipping product data
  • Product Gallery Images
  • Add Downloadable Product
  • Download file form WooCommerce user account.
  • Downloadable files.
  • Download limit.
  • Download expiry.
  • CPT Upsells.
  • CPT Cross-sells.
  • Provided Shortcode for Display “SKU”
  • Provided Shortcode for Display “Attributes”
  • Provided Shortcode for Display “Gallery Image” with Thumb Slider
  • Product Review
  • Product Schema/Structured data

🏆 Other Plugins Support

🏆 Integrate WooCommerce with a WordPress custom post type

To Integrate custom post type with woocommerce follow below step:

  • Install and activate the “Custom Post Type Woocommerce Integration” plugin on your WordPress site.

  • After activation, a new menu item named “WC Integration” will appear in the WordPress admin sidebar. Click on it to access the plugin settings.

  • In the plugin settings page, locate the “Select Post type” option, And select your CPT.

  • Switch on to Add Default Price Field And Others Meta Fields.

🏆 Integrate If the Price fields are already in place

  • You need to select the appropriate meta key associated with the price information for the selected custom post type.

  • If regular price meta fields are already in place, then select meta key for regular price,

  • If sale price meta fields are already in place, then also select meta key for sale price,

  • Save the settings after selecting the custom post type and the price meta key to confirm your integration preferences.

🏆 Show cart button and price

  • Now, you can use the provided shortcodes to display the price and cart button for the custom post type in your WooCommerce shop or any other suitable location on your website.

  • To display the price, insert the shortcode [cptwooint_price/] on the desired pages, posts, or templates.

  • To display the cart button, use the shortcode [cptwooint_cart_button/] in the appropriate location where you want it to appear for your custom post type.

  • Make sure to add these shortcodes correctly, and once you do, the price and cart button for your custom post type should be visible as intended.

  • By following these steps and using the provided shortcodes, you can seamlessly integrate a custom post type with WooCommerce and effectively display the price and cart button for your custom posts.

🏆 WooCommerce for payments only

CPT WOO Integration, help you to use only for payment with woocommerce. Use WooCommerce just for the payment and checkout (because woocommerce is compatible with a lot of payment providers), but You do not need the whole shop overhead. no need enter the product in the database,
Just the landing page connect to the WooCommerce by using this plugin.

🏆 Accept donations in woocommerce

Accept Donation is limited feature, But it enough for some of the users. They are accepting donations for specific amounts by integrating a page or post with WooCommerce.


Starting from $0 per month.

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