Easy Dark Mode

Easy Dark Mode

Shopify app

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App Details

Allow shoppers to switch on dark mode (or night mode) on your Shopify store and provide a better on-site experience.

Add dark mode to your store with just one click! Easy Dark Mode is a Shopify app that requires no coding and adapts to the browser and theme it is running on, allowing you to set it up without any hassle!

Why do you need to set up dark mode on your Shopify store?

By allowing shoppers to switch to dark mode, you can:

  • Provide an eye-pleasing and positive shopping experience.
  • Provide flexibility for shoppers on your site by giving them the option to switch to dark mode.
  • Provide better accessibility for shoppers with visual difficulties.

All the features you need to enable dark mode on your Shopify store.

The app has all the features you need to provide a seamless dark mode experience on-site:

  • No coding required - Enabling dark mode for your Shopify store requires just one click.
  • Ability to auto-detect system theme preference - The app intuitively detects the system theme preferences and adapts to ensure the shopper has a seamless experience.
  • Browser, system, and theme support - Easy Dark Mode works across browsers and operating systems (including Android, Mac, Windows, and iOS) and on every Shopify theme.
  • Customize the theme toggle widget and its positioning to suit your store's design - Easy Dark Mode provides multiple options to customize how and where shoppers can interact with the dark mode toggle widget.

Get started with this app now and enable night mode for your Shopify store!

With changing shopping habits and the need for accessibility, Easy Dark Mode allows you to provide a seamless dark mode experience and enhances the experience on your Shopify store.

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