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Social Votes for nopCommerce

Enrich Content & Increase User Engagement With a Social Votes App

Create Social Votes Widget

loved by 500K+ creators


Why Should You Use the Social Votes Widget+?

Increase User Engagement

It is an interactive extension that requires users to vote for or against something. You create engagement, interest, and buzz around the content on your nopCommerce store this way.

Enhance your articles & stories

With full customization options, along with titles and descriptions, you can easily add articles and stories to this extension.

A way of expressing ideas

By using Social votes extension your users will have the freedom to express themselves freely. Adding this angle to your content will make it unique, which will make it desirable to your users.

Various Layouts

Several layouts are available for customizing the Social votes extension to make sure it meets the vision and design of your nopCommerce store.

Social Votes - Various Layouts

Use a variety of sources to embed content

Using the Social votes extension you can embed content from Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, or YouTube into your nopCommerce store.

Social Votes - Use a variety of sources to embed content

Totally customizable extension

You can customize Social votes extension to fit the needs of your nopCommerce store. Make changes to the colors, the fonts, the spacing, and whatever else you like!

Social Votes - Totally customizable extension
Social Votes - Adding Animation

Adding Animation

The Social votes extension comes with animated features that are triggered when displaying results or voting statistics. This will make every vote seem even more unique and interactive.

Social Votes - Decide on a starting point

Decide on a starting point

It allows you to set a starting number of votes for the Social votes extension to start the process.

Social Votes - Language Localization

Language Localization

In Social votes extension, you can customize the following text: points, total votes, and no-vote message. This makes it ideal for users all over the world who wish to localize these titles.

Social Votes - User friendly

User friendly

Social votes extension requires no coding knowledge and is easy to use. You can easily customize the extension to your liking with just a few clicks with our intuitive dashboard and drag-and-drop feature.

Perfectly Responsive extension

Our Social votes extension is designed to be fully responsive and will look wonderful on any device. In a mobile-first world, having this feature will give your business an edge over your competition.

Social Votes - Perfectly Responsive extension

CSS Customization

In the Social votes extension, you can add custom CSS to make the extension even more personalized and creative.

Social Votes - CSS Customization

Simple To Embed On Your nopCommerce store

You can embed the Social votes extension on your nopCommerce store by copying the code below. Whenever you update your extension, your extension on your nopCommerce store will be updated automatically.

Social Votes - Simple To Embed On Your nopCommerce store

Compatible With All Site Builders, E-Commerce Platforms and Websites

webflow logoshopify logowix logowordpress logobigcommerce logosqurespace logoweebly logojoomla logoduda logojimdo logomagento logoshift4hsop logounbounce logocarrd logo
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