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Interactive Video for PrestaShop

Add Engaging Elements to Your Videos Easily

Create an Interactive Video

loved by 500K+ creators


Why Should You Use the Interactive Video Widget+?

Boost User Engagement with Interactive Video for PrestaShop

Adding interactive elements to your videos can significantly enhance user engagement on your PrestaShop store. This feature encourages viewers to interact with your content, leading to longer watch times and higher retention rates.

Drive Conversions with Interactive Video Tool

The PrestaShop Interactive Video add-on can help convert viewers into customers by incorporating clickable links, call-to-action buttons, and forms directly within the video. This seamless integration can lead to higher conversion rates and improved business outcomes.

Enhance User Experience on Your PrestaShop store

Interactive videos provide a dynamic and engaging user experience. By allowing users to interact with the video content, you can create a more immersive experience that keeps visitors on your PrestaShop store longer and encourages them to explore more of your content.

Add Interactive Links with the Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop

The Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop stores allows you to embed clickable links directly onto your videos. This feature provides an easy way to guide viewers to additional content, products, or services seamlessly. By integrating links, you can create a more engaging and interactive viewing experience, helping drive traffic to specific pages and boosting conversions.

Interactive Video - Add Interactive Links with the Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop

Enhance Videos with Product Cards Using the Interactive Video Tool

With the PrestaShop Interactive Video add-on, you can add product cards featuring an image, title, and description to your videos. This allows you to showcase products or services directly within your video content. By providing detailed product information and visuals, you can increase viewer interest and drive sales without interrupting the viewing experience.

Interactive Video - Enhance Videos with Product Cards Using the Interactive Video Tool

Boost Engagement with Custom Buttons on Interactive Videos

The Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop enables you to place custom buttons within your videos. These buttons can be used to prompt specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter, learning more about a topic, or making a purchase. By integrating call-to-action buttons, you can guide your PrestaShop store audience towards desired outcomes and enhance the interactivity of your video content.

Interactive Video - Boost Engagement with Custom Buttons on Interactive Videos

Select from Multiple Interactive Video add-on Design Skins

The Interactive Video PrestaShop add-on provides a range of beautiful skins, enabling you to align the design seamlessly with your brand and PrestaShop add-on aesthetics. This variety not only enhances the visual appeal of your store but also reduces the time and effort involved in customization, ensuring a cohesive and attractive user interface.

Interactive Video - Select from Multiple Interactive Video add-on Design Skins
Interactive Video - Customize Video Dimensions with the PrestaShop Interactive Video add-on

Customize Video Dimensions with the PrestaShop Interactive Video add-on

The PrestaShop Interactive Video add-on offers flexible video dimension options to fit your PrestaShop store's design. You can select from preset sizes suitable for mobile, landscape, and other standard formats, or define custom dimensions to perfectly match your layout requirements. This adaptability ensures that your videos are displayed optimally, enhancing the visual appeal and user experience on your store.

Interactive Video - Flexible Video Positioning with the Interactive Video add-on

Flexible Video Positioning with the Interactive Video add-on

The Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop stores offers versatile positioning options to seamlessly integrate videos into your store. You can display videos inline as part of your page content or have them minimized and floating at one of the page corners. When a viewer clicks to play, the minimized video will expand, providing an engaging and immersive experience. This flexibility ensures that your videos are always presented in the most effective and user-friendly manner.

Interactive Video - Easy to Use Interactive Video PrestaShop add-on

Easy to Use Interactive Video PrestaShop add-on

The Interactive Video PrestaShop add-on is designed with user-friendliness in mind, requiring no coding expertise for customization. Its intuitive dashboard simplifies the customization process, allowing you to tailor the PrestaShop add-on to your preferences with just a few clicks. This ease of use makes it accessible for anyone to integrate and modify, enhancing your website's functionality without needing specialized knowledge.

Fully Customizable Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop stores

The Interactive Video for PrestaShop comes with extensive customization capabilities, allowing you to modify its design to suit your specific requirements. You can adjust colors, fonts, spacing, and other elements, giving you the flexibility to create a [app_tpye] that is both functional and uniquely tailored to your PrestaShop store's aesthetic.

Interactive Video - Fully Customizable Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop stores

Perfectly Responsive PrestaShop Interactive Video add-on

The Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring it displays elegantly on any device. In an era where mobile optimization is crucial, this feature is key to delivering a consistent user experience across all devices.

Custom CSS for Enhanced Creativity

The Interactive Video add-on for PrestaShop offers the option to add custom CSS, aligning with Common Ninja’s commitment to flexibility. This feature is ideal for developers and designers who want to apply their unique touch, allowing for deeper customization of the add-on's look and functionality. It provides an avenue for creative expression, ensuring the add-on can be finely tuned to match your PrestaShop store's specific style and interaction needs.

Interactive Video - Custom CSS for Enhanced Creativity

Effortless Embedding of the Interactive Video on PrestaShop stores

Embedding the Interactive Video add-on on your PrestaShop store is straightforward, requiring just a single line of code. This ease of integration simplifies the setup, making it accessible for users of all technical levels. Additionally, the widget updates automatically with every change you make, ensuring that your website always displays the most current version of the add-on without any extra effort.

Interactive Video - Effortless Embedding of the Interactive Video on PrestaShop stores

Compatible With All Site Builders, E-Commerce Platforms and Websites

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