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Top Social Proof Widgets (Plugins) for Websites in 2024

Sergei Davidov,
Top Social Proof Widgets (Plugins) for Websites in 2024

Social proof is a powerful tool for building trust and credibility with potential customers. By displaying real-time customer interactions, reviews, or testimonials on your website, you can provide visitors with the assurance they need to make purchasing decisions. 

Social proof widgets and plugins make it easy to integrate this information seamlessly into your site, enhancing the user experience while driving conversions. 

This article will explore the top social proof widgets and plugins for websites, highlighting their features and how they can help increase engagement and trust.

Top Choice: Common Ninja’s Social Proof Widget!

Common Ninja's Social Proof widget is ideal for boosting credibility on websites by showcasing real-time user activities like purchases or reviews. This display of social proof can significantly enhance trust among visitors, encouraging them to engage and convert at higher rates. The widget allows for full customization to align with your site’s branding, ensuring it integrates smoothly without disrupting the user experience.

Furthermore, the widget is easy to set up and compatible with various platforms, making it accessible for any business aiming to leverage social proof effectively. Whether you're highlighting customer testimonials or recent activity, Common Ninja's Social Proof widget offers a simple yet powerful solution to increase transparency and user engagement on your website.


ProveSource is a dynamic WordPress plugin that enhances websites by displaying real-time social proof notifications. This plugin is designed to boost conversions by showing potential customers that others are buying products or signing up for services, leveraging FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) effectively.

TrustPulse API

The TrustPulse API integrates with WordPress to create pop-up notifications that showcase real-time activity on a site. It's especially useful for displaying recent purchases, sign-ups, or other customer actions, helping to build trust and encourage others to take similar actions.

MWP Herd Effect

MWP Herd Effect offers a unique approach to influencing visitor behavior by showing notifications of other users' activities. This plugin is ideal for websites looking to create a sense of community and urgency around their products or services.


Nudgify for WordPress helps increase engagement and conversions by displaying customized "nudges" to site visitors. These small notifications can show anything from low stock warnings to recent reviews, making it versatile for enhancing user experience and driving actions.


In conclusion, integrating social proof widgets into your website is an effective way to build trust and enhance user engagement. This article has reviewed some of the top social proof plugins available, emphasizing their ability to showcase real-time customer activity, reviews, and testimonials. By using these tools, businesses can provide the validation potential customers seek, ultimately boosting credibility and increasing conversions. Implementing the right social proof widget can be a game-changer in establishing a strong, trustworthy online presence.