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Top 10 FAQ Widgets

Sergei Davidov,
Top 10 FAQ Widgets

Hi there, friends of the web! Have you ever landed on a website and found yourself drowning in a sea of information, with no lifebuoy of FAQs in sight? Frustrating, isn’t it? An effective FAQ section, ideally powered by a top-notch FAQ widget, can be a game-changer. It doesn’t just help visitors navigate your site; it can also save you time by answering those recurring questions and can even boost your SEO! 

But, let’s face it, finding the right FAQ widget can be a bit like finding a needle in the haystack. So, to help you out, we’ve sifted through the maze of choices and put together a list of our top 10 FAQ widgets that can truly elevate your website experience.

Common Ninja’s FAQ Widget

Common Ninja’s FAQ app allows you to create beautiful FAQ sections on your pages. With it, you can improve your SEO score by utilizing the right keywords, enhance users’ experience by providing quick answers to common questions and expedite the decision-making process by reducing the need to contact support and wait for answers. 

The app is easy to use, requires no coding knowledge, and comes with full customization options. It is fully responsive and features a variety of beautiful skins, several layout options, a choice of relevant icons, a search option, and more! 

Ultimate FAQs

Ultimate FAQs is your friendly WordPress plugin making FAQ creation, organization, and publicity a breeze. It’s an ace up your sleeve for bolstering user support, reducing duplicate queries, and guiding visitors around your site.

Helpie FAQ

Helpie FAQ is a user-friendly plugin that lets you create and display FAQs on your WordPress websites. It’s a Jack of all trades, integrating smoothly with Elementor, Gutenberg, and WooCommerce, thus being a versatile solution for enhancing customer support and user experience.

Responsive Accordion and Collapse

This WordPress plugin provides a simple way to create responsive accordions and collapse elements on your website. It’s a great tool for organizing content such as FAQs, making it easier for your site visitors to find the information they need.


SP FAQ simplifies FAQ creation and management on your WordPress site. Its responsive design and tweakable options work wonders in enhancing customer support and user experience.

Easy Accordion Free

This WordPress plugin allows users to create responsive accordion elements on their website. It’s a handy tool for displaying FAQs or any other information that benefits from a collapsible layout, enhancing your site’s content organization and readability.

Quick and Easy FAQs

This plugin streamlines the FAQ creation process on your WordPress site. With support for various FAQ styles, including list, accordion, and toggle, plus customizable settings, it ensures your FAQs fit snugly with your site’s aesthetic.

Ultimate Addons for Elementor – FAQ Widget

This widget is part of the Ultimate Addons for Elementor package. It allows users to create a customizable FAQ section on their websites built with Elementor, enhancing customer support and the overall user experience.

ElementsKit FAQ

ElementsKit offers an FAQ widget as part of its Elementor addon package. It’s a powerful tool for adding a responsive and customizable FAQ section to your Elementor-built website, helping to enhance customer engagement and support.

PowerPack for Elementor – FAQ Widget

The FAQ widget provided by PowerPack for Elementor enables users to create a dynamic FAQ section on their websites. With a variety of style and layout options, it’s a helpful tool for enhancing customer service and site usability.


And just like that, we’ve traversed through the world of FAQ widgets! These top 10 picks, each with its own unique features and strengths, can truly transform your website into a user-friendly, information-rich platform. 

The right FAQ widget can not only enhance your site’s navigation but also boost customer satisfaction and, who knows, even your search engine rankings! Remember, the goal is to provide a seamless experience for your website visitors, and a well-structured, easily navigable FAQ section plays a key role in that. Now that we’ve demystified the realm of FAQ widgets, it’s time for you to take the next step and choose the one that resonates best with your website’s vibe and requirements. Here’s to making your website even more user-friendly – happy widgeting!