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How to Build a Community that Supports Your Brand

Sergei Davidov,
How to Build a Community that Supports Your Brand

Building a community that supports your brand and its brand identity is like planting a garden that grows brand advocates. It involves nurturing relationships, fostering engagement, and providing value that goes beyond your products or services.

This article will serve as your guide to building a community that not only supports your brand but also champions it. We'll delve into the process of identifying your target community, creating engaging content, fostering meaningful interactions, and nurturing brand advocacy.

Understanding Brand Community

A brand community is a specialized, non-geographically bound community, based on a structured set of social relations among admirers of a brand. It is a group of people who share the same interest in a specific brand or product, interacting and building relationships with each other, often online.

Definition of Brand Community

A brand community is not just a group of consumers who buy the same brand, it's much more than that. It's a community that forms on the basis of attachment to a product or brand. 

Members of a brand community have a sense of belonging, they share common experiences and stories, and they feel a genuine connection with the brand and with each other.

Brand communities can exist both online and offline. 

Online brand communities often form on social media platforms, brand websites, or forums. Offline brand communities can form through events, meet-ups, or clubs. Regardless of the platform, the key element of a brand community is the shared passion and enthusiasm for a brand.

The Importance of a Brand Community

Brand communities are incredibly valuable to businesses for several reasons. Firstly, they foster strong relationships between customers and the brand, enhancing customer loyalty and retention. Members of a brand community are more likely to be repeat customers and to recommend the brand to others.

Secondly, brand communities provide valuable customer insights. Businesses can learn a lot about their customers' needs, expectations, preferences, and attitudes from their interactions within the community. This can inform product development, marketing strategies, and more.

Lastly, brand communities can help in spreading positive word-of-mouth about the brand. The community members, being passionate about the brand, often become brand advocates, sharing their positive experiences and influencing others to try the brand.

Key Elements of a Successful Brand Community

A successful brand community is more than just a group of people who use the same product or service. 

It's a vibrant, engaged, and supportive network of individuals who share common interests and values, actively engage with each other and the brand, collaborate, and embody the brand's identity and culture.

Shared Interest and Values

The foundation of any brand community is a shared interest in the brand's products or services. However, truly successful communities often go beyond this, with members sharing broader interests and values. 

For example, a brand community for an outdoor clothing company might be united by a shared love of nature and adventure, not just the clothing itself. These shared interests and values help to create a deeper sense of connection and belonging among community members.

Active Engagement

Active engagement is crucial for a thriving brand community. This means that members are not just passive consumers of content, but actively participate in discussions, share their own content, and engage with the brand and each other. 

This could involve anything from posting reviews and sharing experiences to participating in community events or initiatives. Active engagement helps to keep the community vibrant and dynamic, and strengthens the connection between community members and the brand.

Mutual Support and Collaboration

In a successful brand community, members support and help each other. They might share advice, answer each other's questions, or collaborate on projects or initiatives. 

This mutual support and collaboration not only strengthens the community itself, but also adds value for individual members, making them more likely to stay engaged and committed to the community.

Strong Brand Identity and Culture

Finally, a strong brand identity and culture are key elements of a successful brand community. The brand's identity – its values, mission, and personality – should be clearly reflected in the community. 

Similarly, the community should have a positive and inclusive culture that aligns with the brand's identity. This helps to create a sense of unity and belonging among community members, and makes the community an attractive and welcoming place for new members.

Steps to Build a Brand Community

Building a brand community is a strategic process that requires careful planning and execution. Here are six steps to help you create a thriving brand community that aligns with your brand values and resonates with your target audience.

Step 1: Define Your Community Goals and Values

The first step in building a brand community is to define your community goals and values. What do you hope to achieve with your community? 

This could be anything from increasing brand loyalty and customer retention to gaining valuable customer insights or providing better customer support. Your community values should align with your overall brand values, as these will guide the behavior and interactions within your community.

Step 2: Identify Your Target Community Members

Next, identify who your target community members are. These should be people who are not only interested in your products or services, but also share your brand values and are likely to engage with your community. Understanding your target community members will help you tailor your community strategy to their interests, needs, and behaviors.

Step 3: Choose Your Community Platforms

Choosing the right platforms for your community is crucial. You might choose to build a community on your own website, or leverage existing social media platforms where your target audience already spends their time. 

The best platform for your community will depend on your goals, your target members, and the type of engagement you want to foster.

Step 4: Create Engaging and Valuable Content

Content is the fuel that drives community engagement. Create content that is not only interesting and engaging, but also provides value to your community members. 

This could be educational content, exclusive news and updates, behind-the-scenes insights, or opportunities for members to contribute their own content. Remember, the goal is to encourage interaction and discussion, not just broadcast information.

Step 5: Foster Interaction and Engagement

Once you have your community set up and content strategy in place, it's time to foster interaction and engagement. Encourage members to participate in discussions, share their own experiences and ideas, and interact with your brand and each other.

This could involve hosting community events, running contests or challenges, or simply being active and responsive in discussions.

Step 6: Provide Community Benefits and Rewards

Finally, provide benefits and rewards that incentivize community participation and loyalty. This could be access to exclusive content, special discounts, recognition for contributions, or opportunities to influence future products or services. 

These benefits and rewards not only encourage ongoing engagement, but also help to make your community members feel valued and appreciated.

Examples of Successful Brand Communities

Harley-Davidson's H.O.G. (Harley Owners Group)

Harley-Davidson has a strong brand community known as H.O.G., which organizes rides and events for Harley owners. This community has helped Harley-Davidson maintain a loyal customer base and has become an integral part of the brand's identity.

LEGO's Ideas Community

LEGO has a strong brand community where fans can submit their own designs for new LEGO sets. If a design gets enough support from the community, it can be turned into a real product. This community engagement has helped LEGO stay relevant and innovative.

Sephora's Beauty Insider Community

Sephora's Beauty Insider Community is a platform where customers can ask questions, post reviews, share beauty looks, and connect with other beauty enthusiasts. This community has helped Sephora build customer loyalty and gather valuable customer feedback.

Nike's Run Club

Nike has built a community around running, with the Nike Run Club offering training plans, tracking tools, and encouragement for runners of all levels. This community has helped Nike position itself as more than just a sportswear brand.

GoPro's User-Generated Content Community

GoPro encourages its users to share videos they've created using GoPro cameras. They share this user-generated content on their social media channels and website, creating a community of GoPro enthusiasts.

Tools to Support Your Brand Community

Building and managing a brand community requires the right tools. From community management platforms to content creation tools, these resources can help you create a thriving, engaged community that supports your brand's goals.

Community Management Platforms

Community management platforms are designed to help you create, manage, and engage with your brand community. These platforms provide features like forums, chat rooms, private messaging, and more, allowing your community members to connect and interact with each other and your brand. 

Examples of these platforms include Discourse, Mighty Networks, and Hivebrite. These platforms often include moderation tools, making it easier to maintain a positive and respectful community environment.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter are also powerful tools for building and managing brand communities. 

These platforms allow you to reach a large audience, share content, and engage with your community members through comments, likes, shares, and direct messages. 

Facebook Groups, in particular, can be a great tool for creating a more private, focused community within the larger Facebook platform.

Content Creation Tools

Creating engaging content is a key part of building a brand community. Content creation tools can help you produce high-quality content that resonates with your community members. 

This could include graphic design tools like Canva or Adobe Express, video creation tools like Animoto or Adobe Premiere Pro, and blogging platforms like WordPress or Medium

These tools can help you create a variety of content, from blog posts and infographics to videos and podcasts, to keep your community engaged and interested.

Analytics Tools

Finally, analytics tools are crucial for understanding your community and measuring the success of your community-building efforts. 

Tools like Google Analytics, Facebook Insights, or built-in analytics in community management platforms can provide valuable data on your community members' behavior, engagement levels, and more. 

This data can help you make informed decisions about your community strategy, content, and engagement tactics.

Nurturing and Growing Your Brand Community

Building a brand community is just the first step. To truly reap the benefits, you need to nurture and grow your community over time. 

This involves regular engagement with community members, responding to feedback, and providing exclusive benefits that make membership feel special.

Regularly Engaging with Community Members

Engagement is the lifeblood of any community. Regular interaction with your community members helps to build relationships, foster a sense of belonging, and keep your brand top of mind. 

This can take many forms, from responding to comments and questions, to hosting live chats or webinars, to sharing user-generated content. The key is to be consistent and genuine in your interactions. 

Show your community members that you value their participation and are interested in what they have to say.

Responding to Community Feedback

Feedback from your community members is a valuable resource. It can provide insights into what your community values, what they're interested in, and how they perceive your brand. 

Make a point of regularly soliciting feedback, whether through surveys, polls, or simply asking for comments. More importantly, show your community that you're listening by responding to feedback and taking action where appropriate. 

This can help to build trust and demonstrate that your community is a valued part of your brand.

Providing Exclusive Benefits to Community Members

One way to make your community members feel special and encourage them to stay active is by providing exclusive benefits. 

This could be early access to new products, special discounts, or members-only content. These benefits not only reward your community members for their participation but also give them a reason to stay engaged and spread the word about your community.

Common Mistakes in Building a Brand Community

Building a brand community can be a powerful strategy for fostering customer loyalty and driving business growth. However, there are common pitfalls that can hinder your community-building efforts. Here are three mistakes to avoid when building a brand community.

Lack of Clear Community Goals

One of the most common mistakes in building a brand community is not having clear goals for the community. Without clear goals, it's difficult to measure success or know whether your community is delivering value for your business. 

Your community goals should align with your overall business objectives, whether that's increasing customer loyalty, driving product innovation, or improving customer service. Having clear goals will also help guide your community-building strategies and tactics.

Ignoring Community Feedback

Another common mistake is ignoring feedback from community members. Your community is a valuable source of insights about your customers' needs, preferences, and perceptions of your brand. 

Ignoring this feedback means missing out on opportunities to improve your products or services, enhance your brand image, and deepen your relationship with your customers. Make sure to regularly solicit feedback from your community members and take action based on their input.

Failing to Engage Regularly

A successful brand community requires ongoing engagement from the brand. Failing to engage regularly with your community members can lead to a lack of interest and participation, undermining the value of your community. 

Regular engagement can take many forms, from responding to comments and questions, to sharing relevant content, to hosting community events. The key is to be consistent and genuine in your interactions, showing your community members that you value their participation and care about their experiences.

The Impact of a Strong Brand Community on Business Success

A strong brand community can have a profound impact on the success of a business. It can foster a sense of belonging among customers, deepen their connection with the brand, and ultimately drive business growth. Here are three key ways a strong brand community can contribute to business success.

Enhanced Brand Loyalty

One of the most significant impacts of a strong brand community is enhanced brand loyalty. When customers feel a part of a community, they are more likely to develop a strong emotional connection to the brand. 

This connection can foster a sense of loyalty that goes beyond the products or services the brand offers. Loyal customers are more likely to stick with the brand over time, even in the face of competition, leading to increased customer lifetime value.

Increased Customer Retention

A strong brand community can also lead to increased customer retention. By providing a platform for customers to engage with the brand and with each other, a brand community can enhance the customer experience and increase satisfaction. 

Satisfied customers are more likely to continue doing business with a brand, leading to higher customer retention rates. Moreover, retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, making customer retention a key driver of profitability.

Improved Brand Advocacy

Finally, a strong brand community can improve brand advocacy. Community members who are highly engaged and satisfied with the brand are more likely to recommend the brand to others, acting as brand advocates. 

Brand advocates can help attract new customers to the brand through word-of-mouth marketing, which is often more effective and credible than traditional advertising. This can lead to increased customer acquisition and business growth.


In conclusion, building a community that supports your brand is a powerful strategy that can boost brand loyalty, enhance customer engagement, and drive business growth. It's about creating a space where your customers feel valued, heard, and connected not only to your brand but also to each other. 

Remember, a brand community is not just a group of customers; it's a group of brand advocates who can amplify your brand message and contribute to your brand's success. With the insights and strategies shared in this article, you're now well-equipped to build a community that supports and champions your brand. So, let's put these insights into action and cultivate a community of brand advocates.